On September 21, 2023, Ola Hariri participated in the “IMPEXLEB” event, which aims to promote entrepreneurship and private sector development by building a supportive ecosystem for import and export in Lebanon. This one-day workshop, organized by Junior Chamber International (JCI) Lebanon and SPARK NGO as part of the “From Innovation to Creation” Program funded by the European Union, aims to address the challenges surrounding import and export activities in Lebanon and advocate for policy changes that can create a favorable environment for startups and SMEs.
Ola Hariri spoke on behalf of the members of the Lebanese Micro Finance Association and assumed the task of sharing the findings of the Rest@rt study for the microfinance sector with all of the attendees, representing a variety of viewpoints from multiple sectors. She accomplished this by addressing the challenges faced by startups and SMEs concerning access to finance for export and import activities and by shed the light on women and Youth – working online obstacles to exchange products, as well as by imagining future interventions.