The voice of the MICROFINANCE industry in LEBANON
Established in 2015, the LMFA serves as the voice of the microfinance industry in Lebanon, representing nine member organizations on the national and international levels linking them up with relevant actors, and offering them value-added services.
Like many associations, we are experiencing a rapidly shifting microfinance environment. Today there is increased need and demand for youth, women and vulnerable population’s access to formal financial services and skills development both on the scholastic and vocational levels. There are barriers to financial inclusion due to conflicts and many other challenges. At the same time, promising new developments such as digital finance, innovative credit information systems, and changes in regulatory environments offer new opportunities. In service to our members, we are working collaboratively with industry stakeholders to navigate this dynamic environment to facilitate a robust inclusive finance sector.
In response to the changing landscape and with the strategic support of our members, partners and some tactical donors’ funding, the LMFA aligns its corporate strategy with the global SDG’s. Setting the course and its efforts to respond effectively to the changing needs, building strong development partnership and sustain its efforts to alleviate poverty and expand financial inclusion. We continue to work for a better Lebanon, where people can experience personal economic growth and healthier opportunities.